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We’ve done it!

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Frome Community Bike Project is go! Thanks to the support and pledges from a whole heap of brilliant people like you we have made our target of £30,000 and we’re absolutely over the moon! What’s next?  We’ve got a lot of work to do behind the scenes – we’ve got a lease to get finalised,… Read More »We’ve done it!

Frome Bike Jumble picture

Over £25,000 pledged to FCBP!

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Frome Bike Project’s Crowdfunding campaign has got off to a flying start with over £25,000 pledged so far! Sunday 11th September saw the fifth annual bike jumble with a huge turnout and nearly £4000 in sales. The amazing support from the community means that we’ve unlocked extra funding from both Sport England and British Cycling… Read More »Over £25,000 pledged to FCBP!

Frome Bike Project team

Meet the team

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Frome Community Bike Project are running a Crowdfunder campaign throughout September to raise funds for a workshop and tools. We have some fantastic offers from local businesses who have shown support for the project, alongside some great bike-related merch too. We will be out and about in September, so come along and meet us at… Read More »Meet the team

The Bike Jumble returns

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Frome’s fifth annual Bike Jumble will return this September alongside many other exciting cycling activities as part of Frome’s Cycle Sunday and needs donations from you! The jumble will be held outside the Cheese and Grain from 12-3pm on Sunday 11th September. There have been several smaller bike sales since last year selling reconditioned bikes.… Read More »The Bike Jumble returns